“It is time to offer a new wind to the generation that will follow us”
Holacracy uses 100% of an organization’s resources. Good-bye to project managers and other extra coordination positions needed in organizations to carry out projects. In Holacracy, everyone serves the organization and is responsible for carrying out “accountabilities” within a pre-set framework. Decisions are no longer taken by line managers or at never-ending meetings — no, here the decisions are made at the level of those who have the necessary competencies.
Holacracy is a clear strategy and a “dynamic steering” approach that provides greater agility in taking the context at hand into account. Everything is moving faster and managers often give the impression that they change their minds too often when trying to adapt. Holacracy provides the tools and methodology not just to manage, but also to react to all these vital adjustments very quickly! In Holacracy, no more change management — the process enables the organization to constantly adapt.
Holacracy means no more need to manage coworkers’ egos within the entity. All the efforts to find a consensus that is acceptable to everyone, the hours of negotiations to preserve individuals, all the time wasted could be reinvested to the benefit of the organization! With the methodology and a rigorous method of coordinating the various bodies, each person takes charge of his own emotions, manages his ego alone and is there to serve the organization.
If you spend too much time in meetings, if you never have enough resources to achieve your ambitions, if you spend more time on change management than on developing your projects, if you live surrounded by project managers, if the consensus that you impose reduces the impact of your actions, then take a few minutes to read this comic book — you may well find Holacracy to your liking!
Happy reading!
“Holacracy: a New Technology that Reinvents Management” — Bernard Marie CHIQUET, Adapted as a comic book by Etienne APPERT, Foreword by Christophe MISTOU