About us
“I don’t think it’s about waking up heroes – heroes wake up on their own. I believe that pioneers must focus on their daily work, in their discipline, and when they have powerful tools in their hands, ensure that everyone who wants/needs to hear about it can do so and accompany all those who ask.”
Bernard Marie CHIQUET, founder of the institute

Nova Consul is the heir to the iGi institute, founded in 2008 by Bernard Marie CHIQUET, entrepreneur, manager of large companies (Executive Director at Capgemini, Senior Partner at Ernst & Young, Founding President of Eurexpert, etc.) and creator of Constitutional Management®. It is today led by his son, Louis CHIQUET, and supports business leaders in the implementation of new managerial contexts which empower people and make companies alive and able to change as quickly as change.
From 2010, in particular, it imported holacracy from the United States to distribute it in Europe (in French and English) and is one of the 3 companies in the world to be accredited “Premier Provider” for its privileged role in distribution and development. of Holacracy®, and the only company in the French-speaking world authorized to deliver training and certification.
This result is the fruit of the support of more than 150 organizations in France, Europe and North America, of all sizes (from 2 to 800,000 people) and in all sectors (industry, IT, commerce, banking, agriculture, research, public, etc.).
Training center, consulting firm and research institute, Nova Consul has developed over the years a very wide range of tools and mental models allowing it to respond effectively and concretely to the chronic managerial difficulties of organizations and their leaders. .
With Constitutional Management, the boss begins to see things much more clearly. And a boss who sees clearly can begin to manage his business with a tool that allows him to manage complexity and integrate “apparently” contradictory polarities. He gains acuity and power of control over the organization, where before, he could at best only be in the illusion of controlling men. And what is true for the boss is also true for managers and employees.
Bernard Marie CHIQUET, founder of the institute and creator of Constitutional Management©
Constitutional Management©
Approach created by Bernard Marie CHIQUET describing a managerial system in which those who have the power, most often the leaders, adopt a constitution for the organization, which governs the way in which power is exercised through rules and processes that apply to everyone, including themselves. This system makes it possible to move from hierarchical power to constitutional power which is law, that is to say framed and distributed according to the rules of law defined in the chosen constitution. Everyone becomes the holder of certain powers according to their roles, which are framed and limited by policies that bind everyone.
Our Purpose
Nova Consul’s Purpose is “Sovereignty: the power to govern of the sovereign individual and the sovereign institution”.
Sovereignty is the quality of a person or an institution to be obliged or determined only by its own will, in accordance with the reason for being that it is called to achieve, within the limits that it cannot exercise control or have a material impact on property owned by another sovereign entity, unless authorized to do so.

Founder of Nova Consul, certified Master Coach in Holacracy® (youngest in the world, and only French-speaking), coach certifier since 2022, he took over the research work on Constitutional Management® from his mentor, Bernard Marie CHIQUET.
His business acumen and experience in over 80 companies with 2 to 800,000 people allow him to tactfully support executives, managers and employees towards managerial excellence and self-management.
Working at HEG Geneva (Haute Ecole de Gestion), he continually improves his skills with organizations such as HEC, Onopia, AFNOR to bring ever more expertise and transformation within the companies he supports.

A passionate entrepreneur, he occupied different management positions in several markets (agri-food, eLearning, network of managers, consulting firm, etc.) which allow him a 360 vision of the business and a solid understanding of the managerial and strategic challenges of managers.
Pioneer, he learned about holacracy in 2013 with Bernard-Marie CHIQUET and perfected his expertise over the years with several coaching, collective intelligence and management certifications, alongside solid expertise in Sales and Marketing.
He joined Nova Consul in 2023 to help disseminate virtuous managerial models that empower humans and boost cooperation.

Fabienne ERMEL
After initial training as a Doctor in plant physiology, Fabienne trained at the IAE in Orléans in Business Administration and Management, which allowed her to successively be a researcher (INRAE, CNRS, university, etc.), responsible for business at BPI, partner at MTI International, then manager of various agri-food SMEs and a private adult training center.
Co-founder and source since 2015 of an organic agri-food company, she joined Nova Consul in 2024 to better serve its values and support companies towards cooperative and organizational excellence.
At the same time, Fabienne is an early naturalist, a mindfulness meditation teacher, an NVC practitioner and a nutrition enthusiast.
She is also the mother of 2 grown-up sons who greatly stimulate her commitment and joy.
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