Webinar | Liip Talk: Introduction to Holacracy
Liip Talk: Introduction to Holacracy This Webinar took place the 3rd of September 2015. With Bernard Marie Chiquet from iGi Partners. How to have an explicit and simple organization structure without any power games, politics? An organization that can adapt has fast has change? An organization that would allow humans to fully unlock their creative potential? The main questions of this Webinar: – Could you tell us what are the key elements of Holacracy? – What are the key success factors to implement Holacracy? – What are the kind of people that are more negatively affected by the Holacracy implementation? – What are the ancestors ideas behind Holacracy? – If we go the Holacracy way, what would be the tools that we would have to actually use? – Holacracy as you said is a lot of structure, it could sound more process over people, how do you answer to that? – How long would it take to implement Holacracy, is it a story of 6 months? 2 years? 5 years? – The Lead Link has the power to assign someone to a role, could you develop? For more informations about Holacracy we invite you to read our Holacracy Comic Book online !